Cinematic Short Films

Experiencing the Beauty of the World Together

While photography helps to capture moments and freezing time and space on a particular notion, films bring people into the world that was experienced. Gray Travel Notes intend to continue filming his journey and sharing with the Community so that one day, you may be inspired to visit and appreciate those beauty the World gives.

Most of us will do research on the next travel destination we’re going by watching vloggers, reading up bloggers’ travel notes, and through many other means.

And there are many of these travel blogs, resources and communities out there where you can find quality research materials to help inspire you.

So to help all like-minded folks out there, I’m listing down some of these links that I’ve worked with, come to trust and/or are popular amongst travellers all around the world.

Popular Travel Bloggers

Adding your travel blog

To help the community out there to find your favourite travel blog easier, you can always drop me an email to add to the list above.