Quick Read

On one of the excursion to catch Northern Lights, we were all out in the open wilderness. The wind howl and it was very chilly. You can imagine how good the food tasted when it's simmering hot on such a night - Unfortunately, the sky and the Lights evaded us that day. But the wonderful experience etched in our minds and serve as good old memories in the days to come.

Gray Travel Notes - Barbecuing food during winter night waiting northern lights
Barbecuing food during winter night waiting northern lights on Gray Travel Notes

On one of the excursion to catch Northern Lights, we were all out in the open wilderness. The wind howl and it was very chilly. You can imagine how good the food tasted when it’s simmering hot on such a night – Unfortunately, the sky and the Lights evaded us that day. But the wonderful experience etched in our minds and serve as good old memories in the days to come.

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