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Throwback2018: During the resting days of our Finland trip, it feels really great to take a slow long stroll down the streets of Helsinki. While there isn't a huge amount of shopping to do like you would have in say, Paris, but the slower pace of life here most certainly helps you feel relax and at ease. Everything is just so easy and it feels as though a deep breathe of the fresh air would carry all your worries and troubles away when you exhale. Perhaps, it is exactly because of that I fell completely in love with Finland.

Finland - Taking a slow long stroll in the beautiful streets of Helsinki
Taking a slow long stroll in the beautiful streets of Helsinki in Finland

Throwback2018: During the resting days of our Finland trip, it feels really great to take a slow long stroll down the streets of Helsinki. While there isn’t a huge amount of shopping to do like you would have in say, Paris, but the slower pace of life here most certainly helps you feel relax and at ease. Everything is just so easy and it feels as though a deep breathe of the fresh air would carry all your worries and troubles away when you exhale. Perhaps, it is exactly because of that I fell completely in love with Finland.

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