Quick Read

Shaping their way of life and embodied in their talented works, experience Nordic cultures through a tour around Korundi, the house of culture in Rovaniemi.

Quick Read: Shaping their way of life and embodied in their talented works, experience Nordic cultures through a tour around Korundi, the house of culture in Rovaniemi.

Every country in today’s world is build on top of fascinating history and rich cultural traditions passed down from our ancestors.

And for those who are well-travelled, we begin to get intrigued by these stories and practices that locals would come to share in our journeys.

And it’s in these sharing, that makes traveling always interesting and enabling us to learn greater knowledge.

And for me, Finland has been one of my favourite travel destination of all time. And it’s not surprising why.

With a wide variety of things to do and places to see, travellers even like myself just can’t get enough of it.

Situated well within the Arctic circle, Lapland is a vast region in Finland that would offer you great chances to observe one of the most mysterious and yet magical phenomenon in the world – The Northern Lights.

And besides these natural phenomena, many travellers love going up North for a good ski time too!

But beyond these fun loving activities, I would also like to share another good place for those culture lovers.

Right in the centre of Rovaniemi sits one of their finest museums, Korundi.

Korundi is known for their art museum where talented Finnish artists display proudly of their work.

But not only is art featured there, Korundi is also known as the “House of Culture” for a reason.

Did you know? Korundi also houses the Lapland Chamber Orchestra. Consisting of a team of 18 talented individuals, Lapland Chamber Orchestra is the Arctic’s most Northern professional team.

Architecture and name of the Art Museum

Being one of Finland’s finest museums, I dare say that it’s also the pride of Rovaniemi as it preserves their traditions and exhibits their talented individual.

But what if I told you that from the exterior, it almost certainly looks like a normal building?

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum front view - By Visit Rovaniemi
Korundi art museum front view in Rovaniemi- By Visit Rovaniemi

To the locals, it would most certainly standout. But to all outsiders, it’s just like any other buildings you might come across in Helsinki.

So why is that so?

The Finnish people aren’t just musically and artistically talented. They are also creatively good in architectures and designs.

Then shouldn’t the building look more artistic and outstanding?

Don’t get me wrong. The building is fascinating. But only after you know it’s history.

And that’s the charm of it. It’s built with history and incorporated with their deeply rooted emotions.

In this age, Finland illustrated an exemplary form of historical preservation through the possibility of a cultural exchange.

Read more: Know more about Korundi’s architecture

Oh wait. I haven’t said why, have I? Right. It’s a bricks building shaped in a long rectangular manner. Hence, doesn’t look as appealing.

Here’s the history of the bricks building.

Korundi sits on the north section of a bus depot in the centre of Rovaniemi, back in 1930s.

And that bricks building is a form of remembrance and preservation of those bricks that survived through the war in Rovaniemi.

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum side view of the building - By Visit Rovaniemi
Korundi art museum side view of the building in Rovaniemi – By Visit Rovaniemi

Such powerful creation and emotion is truly remarkable. And Korundi still stands tall and beautiful even after several years.

A display of Finland’s talented individuals whose work are infused with strong Finnish culture

Not that I’ve been to many art museums or exhibitions, but Korundi is one of the few museums that I’ve spent reasonable time in.

While every art museum has its own taste and style, Korundi is certainly designed in a very Finnish manner and embodies the deep culture from within.

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum reception main hallway
Korundi art museum reception main hallway in Rovaniemi

With an estimated size of 5300m2 footprint, you’re sure to find relatable modern culture and talented artwork protected well within the walls of the museum.

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum gallery
Korundi art museum gallery in Rovaniemi

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum artworks of one artist on display
Korundi art museum artworks of one artist on display in Rovaniemi

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum - By Visit Rovaniemi
Korundi art museum in Rovaniemi – By Visit Rovaniemi

And while on one side you have these amazing arts display, Finland also love their music roots.

Deeply influenced by their numerous folk traditions and beliefs, Finland boasts classical and opera musics a lot.

Their locals had also began to enjoy heavy metals and rock music thanks to neighbouring influences.

But the pride of the Arctic North is helmed by Finland’s 18 strong Lapland Chamber Orchestra.

Rovaniemi - Korundi house of culture theatre concert hall - by Visit Rovaniemi
Korundi house of culture theatre concert hall in Rovaniemi – by Visit Rovaniemi

The group had seen themselves gaining popularity over the years, with plenty of opportunities to perform outside of Finland.

Fully dedicated with their hearts and souls, imagine listening to these unique northern musical pieces in Korundi’s concert hall)

Korundi is finland’s finest art museum that illustrates the country’s talent and appreciation

Besides the photos, I’ve also had the opportunity to better document down these fascinating art pieces and creation through short clips.

These clips show examples of the brilliant artwork that the local artists are capable of.

From an artistic angle, these works are exquisitely beautiful and expressive in a manner that the artist’s trying to convey.

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum touring around the gallery
Korundi art museum touring around the gallery in Rovaniemi

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed walking through the art museum, appreciating different forms of art in a quiet and peaceful environment.

There was hardly anyone around and it’s really quite pleasant to just slow down and admire the arts in a beautiful weekend morning.

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum quick look around the exhibition
Korundi art museum quick look around the exhibition in Rovaniemi

In the coming months, I will also be producing a special short video that aims to introduce Korundi and the other museums.

So do stay around and watch out for my post on that!

Getting to Korundi and spotting the building

So, what’re your thoughts so far? Interested to go check it out?

Great! You can purchase the entrance tickets online too.

As mentioned earlier, the exterior of the building may seem like a regular one to you.

In my opinion, you may not notice it unless you’re deliberately searching for it. Or you’re on the main road where they had banners “Korundi” spelled out.

Their main colour is light blue or turquoise. So it should be easier to spot the banners instead.

But fear not, as it’s not hidden behind any alley or some corner of Rovaniemi – Here’s where it is.

Google Maps - Location of Korundi Museum
Location of Korundi Museum on Google Maps

Still not obvious enough? Here’s another landmark for you – It’s close to Rovaniemi’s Bus Station. A short walk away if I may.

Google Maps - Direction from Rovaniemi bus station to Korundi Museum
Direction from Rovaniemi bus station to Korundi Museum on Google Maps

And in case you need it but got lazy to search for it, here’s the full address too.

House of Culture
Lapinkävijäntie 4
FI-96100 Rovaniemi

Once you reach there, perhaps you may wonder where’s their main entrance. That got us wondered for a bit too.

Rovaniemi - Korundi art museum entrance walkway - by Visit Rovaniemi
Korundi art museum entrance walkway in Rovaniemi – by Visit Rovaniemi

Head over to its carpark area and you would see something familiar to the above photo.

That’s the walkway towards the entrance.

If you’re driving, perhaps that’s more obvious to you. But if you’re walking, you could be coming from any directions I suppose.

For us, we came from a different direction away from the main road, where we’re crossing a bridge before we saw the banner.

Hence, why it’s probably easier for you to just spot the banners instead.

Final thoughts of the cultural exchange

Finland remains as a very unique country with distinct cultures and customary traditions throughout the years despite heavy influences from the Nordics and Europeans.

If you’re one who’s keen to experience and tour around it’s rich culture, perhaps the Culture Pass would suite you better.

The Culture Pass is a cheaper all-in-one package for any visitors to experience three cultural attractions in Rovaniemi itself. Arktikum, Korundi and Pilke are sure to deliver a phenomenal experience in art, history and the northern nature. What’s more, with this ticket you get to visit these three museums as many times as you like!

From the earlier days of Sami settlements in the Northern region to eventually having Romani, Swedish, Tartar and Jews all co-existing in the country, this unique blend of cultural differences can be experienced through their arts, music, literature and cuisine.

Their unique blend of modern Finnish culinary with the western, offers a variety in its taste while providing a distinct Lappish flavour.

If you’re someone who loves coffee a lot, you should absolutely try the various flavour they’ve had to offer!

While in Levi, there’s some sort of a push-cart coffee barista out in the streets on a specific time of the day.

Levi - The best coffee brewed on the streets of Levi Ski Resort
The best coffee brewed on the streets of Levi Ski Resort in Levi

The coffee he brews certainly had a strong and powerful aroma, mixed well with a hint of the charcoal smell.

If you travel with the thought of also experiencing different cultures, local delicacies and traditions, it further enriched your trip with a rewarding sense of knowledge and appreciation.

I hope you’d enjoy Finland’s unique and yet diversified culture as much as I do.

Let me know your thoughts below and if you’ve also discovered any other unique experiences too!

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